80 Fils
Description: Pope Paul and King Hussein, Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Category: Postage
Color: violet blue, black [all colors]
Perforation: 13 x 13.5
Issue Date: 1/4/1964
Cat. Number: Gibbons: 567, Scott: 431
Cat. Value: Gibbons: £1.90
80 Fils
Description: Pope Paul and King Hussein, Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Category: Postage
Color: violet blue, black [all colors]
Perforation: imperf
Issue Date: 1/4/1964
Cat. Number: Gibbons: (567 imperf), Scott: (431 imperf)
Cat. Value: Gibbons: unlisted
This site was last updated on January 24, 2011
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